
Finder Tips & Extensions

Highlight Temporary Data

Temporary files such as app downloads, receipts, and screenshots have a way of multiplying in number super fast. Yes, you need to keep them for a while, but they often get in the way. Mark such future junk files with a temp (“temporary”) tag.

Finder Temp Tag

Setup an “Action” tag for files that need relatively quick action. Like renaming, sharing, organizing, and the like.

Install Quick Look Extensions

Markdown Preview

Install QLMarkdown extension:

brew cask install qlmarkdown

To enable text selection in QLMarkdown, run:

defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder

Video Thumbnail Preview

QLVideo adds support for more video types.

brew cask install qlvideo

Add Support for More Text Files

QLStephen will allow quick look to show more file types.

brew cask install qlstephen