
How I setup Ubuntu fresh install

File Paths
Note that with some of the commands you will have to change the path to the location that you saved the files, although I did use “~/” and “$USER” variable where possible. I put the path that I use with my username in it because the main purpose of this post is to make it easier for me to setup my systems in the furtue. However, I thought others might find it useful.

Install Applications

Install Support for ExFat

By default the linux kernal doesn’t ship with support for ExFat. The ExFat filesystem allows you do have files larger than 4GB on a drive and is supported by more systems than EXT or NTFS. I use ExFat on all of my USB drives for this reason.

sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils

Install earylyoom (Early Out Of Memory) Daemon

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Earlyoom kills processes faster than the kernels oom-killer when the system is running low on memory. This helps keep the system responsive, preventing you from sitting in-front of a computer that has slowed to a crawl while you wait on the kernel to kill the out of control process.

sudo apt install earlyoom && \
sudo systemctl enable earlyoom && \
sudo systemctl start earlyoom

Finish Docker Snap Setup

    sudo addgroup --system docker && \
    sudo adduser $USER docker && \
    newgrp docker && \
    sudo snap connect docker:account-control :account-control && \
    sudo snap connect docker:home :home && \
    snap disable docker && \
    snap enable docker && \
    newgrp docker-snap

Setup Dropbox clipboard sync

I created a custom script to use Dropbox (or really any file sync service) as a clipboard sync system. It only supports text, but that’s the main thing I need. I am planning on putting up instructions on how to set this up for MacOS, IOS, and Android soon. It makes a nice universal clipboard sync system.

Install dependencies:

sudo apt install xclip xdotool notify-osd yad

Create keyboard shortcuts:

Create a keyboard shortcut with “ctrl+alt+v” with command:

bash "/home/cody/Dropbox/Bash Scripts/clip" --copy-from

Create a keyboard shortcut with “ctrl+alt+c” with command:

bash "/home/cody/Dropbox/Bash Scripts/clip" --copy-to

Create a keyboard shortcut with “ctrl+alt+b” with command:

bash "/home/cody/Dropbox/Bash Scripts/clip" --open-in-browser

Setup Resilio Sync & set permissions for the notes directory

Download The Deb

Enable in Systemd and adjust permissions & groups for the Notes folder:
sudo systemctl enable resilio-sync && \
sudo usermod -aG $USER rslsync && \
sudo usermod -aG rslsync cody && \
mkdir /home/$USER/Notes && \
sudo chown -R $USER:rslsync /home/$USER/Notes && \
sudo chmod g+rw /home/$USER/Notes
Goto the web interface and setup Resilio sync:

Remember to logout of the DE and back in before finishing setup!!

Don’t forget to unlink the identity first, and link it to the unified identity.

Open the Web Gui to finish Resilio sync setup.

Setup Typora for Notes

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - && \
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb ./' && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install typora -y && \
Open preferences and:
  • General
    • On Launch: Open custom folder
      • ~/Notes
    • Save & Recover: “Auto Save” = true
  • Image
    • When Insert…
      • Copy image to custom folder
      • ~/Notes/images
      • Apply above rules to local images = true
      • Apply rules to online images = true
      • User relative path if possible = true
      • Allow upload …. = false
      • Auto escape …. = false
      • Image uploader = none
Select the theme:

Close Typora and type this in the Terminal.

cp -a ~/Notes/Themes/. ~/.config/Typora/themes/

Open Typora

Select the Ursine Umbra theme from the “Themes” menu.

Setup the custom .desktop files for Nautilus and VS Code

This allows you to have custom actions when you right click app icons in the GUI. I have set these up with my favorite locations, however when you open the files customizing them should be self explanatory. The launcher files need to be placed in “~/.local/shere/applications/".

Context Menu Example
cp ~/Dropbox/Ubuntu\ Customizations/Custom\ Launcher\ Files ~/.local/share/applications/ 

Install Sushi

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Sushi is a quick preview app for Nautilus. Similar to the quick preview in Mac OS. You just hit the space-bar to preview a file.

Sushi in Action
sudo apt install gnome-sushi

Install Yaru Dark theme for VLC

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The Yaru Dark theme makes VLC look like a native app.
Image from NovaQC repository on GitLab

To enable the theme:

Download Theme Here

Open VLC and go to Preferences > Interface, click the radial button that says “Use Custom Skin,” and select the “YaruDark.vlt” file.

VLC Skin Preferences

Then restart VLC and the skin will be active.